I am not a finely tuned athlete but I am feeling much fitter and fresher than I probably deserve to at this point. I attribute it to the wonderful design and engineering of the GS – hundreds of kilometres of bumpy bitumen on some of the less well-maintained sections of road have left me feeling no different than after the same distance on freeway quality roads. That suspension with its variable settings is worth its weight in gold. Also, the riding position puts no weight at all on my arms and wrists (or shoulders), which over 6 weeks is important. The right wrist (the throttle hand) certainly tires more than the left, but the simple throttle lock I installed before leaving allows me to give that hand a rest from time to time, and I am sure this has prevented right wrist issues developing. The new Shoei helmet with its flip-up chin guard, is working very well. It is comfortable, and makes taking photos or having a drink very convenient.
While I am in a rare mood for mere facts, I make he following observations about wildlife as a road hazard. The kangaroo is truly ubiquitous, but appears to die mostly at night. Rabbits must all be on leave, as few have been spotted dead or alive. The emu is not that numerous near roads, but is totally wacky when encountered. The Cassowary is a figment of the imagination of those promoting tourism in the Daintree. The only camels sighted had bright blue and red saddles and were carrying fare paying passengers in a commercial operation in Broome. The wombat is of course nocturnal, and so has not been spotted by me on this ride. Cattle are all over the place, and must be watched carefully. The young ones in particular are skittish and unpredictable. They are all large. Goats were seen in great numbers south of Carnarvon, but appear to have more road sense than most other creatures which make appearances near roads. Road kill presents a particular hazard in the form of the birds feasting on it. As you approach an item of road kill the crow (or raven to be precise) leaves first, then the lesser raptors such as the kitehawk take to the air, and the magnificent wedgetailed eagle is always last to leave. I have got into the habit of braking fully and being prepared to stop unless the eagle clears the road before I get there. They leave late, they leave low and slow, and their flight path is not necessarily a self-preserving heading at right angles to the road. The eagle can fly towards you, or away from the road then back towards you. They seem loathe to give an inch over their possession of the road kill. They would be a bad look on my helmet or chest at speed. And finally, salties. They are everywhere and they will kill you and eat you, whether you are on the road or not. They are the apex predators’ apex predator.
Coral Bay marked the change from being north to being south for me. The ocean water was cool, as was the wind off it. There was a hint of swell in the sea. The morning chill eased as the sun climbed, but only to mid teens, not to the high 20s and low 30s of previous weeks. My jacket liner was needed, as were thicker gloves. I was no longer in the tropics or the sub-tropics. I was south.
See the black line in the water? That’s coral. That stuff on the beach? That's golden sand, not mud. That Barrier Reef crew should come over here and take a few notes. |
The elegant little boat ramp at Coral Bay provides access to coral reefs offshore, such as can be seen on the horizon. |
I saw enough of the Ningaloo Reef area and the Shark Bay area to know that I will come back to these places with Liz.
This dirt road between Normanton and Burketown has stuck in my mind as an archetypal outback dirt road. |
Do not select your motel after dark. |
The Pilbara saw the land being tortured to yield up its bounty. Between Geraldton and Perth the earth yielded gentler and more aesthetically pleasing riches.
Jurien Bay was a pleasant surprise. It was there I met Karl, Jacqueline and David – see you all in Stuttgart. |
A most pleasant few days were spent in Perth with Catherine, Martin and their girls Hannah and Isabelle (and Elly). Thanks for the great hospitality.
The new left pannier was available in Perth and was fitted to the bike. The back tyre was replaced and I expect the front tyre will need replacing in Adelaide. The GS also received its well-earned 60,000km service, and my replacement GPS was wired into the bike. When I left Perth on Tuesday morning the bike was once again in excellent repair and the engine was purring.
Driving through the Margaret River area was like driving through parkland. Knee-deep green pasture, magnificent eucalypt stands, and Arum Lilies growing wild at every turn. What a contrast to the harsh environments of the last few weeks.
The only stretch of road between Bunbury and Augusta where a winery or part of a winery was not actually visible. |
This is where the spares are kept for the WA emblem. |
Storms were approaching from the west as I rode down the west coast south of Perth, giving dramatic backdrop to the shores of the Indian Ocean.
South of Yallingup there was an abundance of west-facing bays like this one. |
In music, a grace note is a note which does not contribute directly to the melody or harmony, but is a short almost insignificant note which nonetheless adds beauty to the whole. It would not surprise me to learn that Gracetown just north of Margaret River was named by someone with this in mind. A handful of houses nestled on red soil overlooking an emerald bay, with the powerful Indian Ocean swells arriving with unabated momentum from half a world away.
Gracetown |
The tranquility of Gracetown was shattered last week when a lone surfer was killed by a shark at a popular point break.
I came across a few roos on the outskirts of Margaret River.
“As a matter of fact I do pump iron. Why do you ask?” |
“On your marks, get set.....just kidding. Do you like the profile?” |
“Hey, watch this! Wanna see a handstand?” |
He was still performing as I rode off.
Footnote for those unfamiliar with the literary device of ascribing words to creatures which speak very little or no English (and you know who you are): the kangaroo in question did not in fact say any of the above things. I made them up.
The Indian Ocean west of Cape Leeuwin, on the very SW tip of Australia. This is a wild place. |
I will ride to Port Lincoln tomorrow, and possibly beyond. I plan to be in Adelaide by Monday night or Tuesday morning. I will leave Adelaide on Wednesday with company at last – Kym is going to ride out of Adelaide with me for a distance yet to be decided. Regrettably, my brother Noel could not join me in Ceduna, which is as big a disappointment to him as it is to me. He will join me however in Victoria somewhere west of Apollo Bay.
The Starburst Palm. |
Some parts of riding around Australia on a motorbike are less fun than others. |
Rainwater puddle deep in the karri forest in SW Western Australia. |
Saltbush plains near the Nullarbor. I feel dutybound to report that on the Nullarbor, the arbors number a little more than null. But generally, it is a flat treeless plain as advertised. |
Border Village, yesterday evening. |
My first few kms along the Eyre Highway in fog were pretty slow. As the fog started to thin, I got a few sightings of the coastal cliffs with sloping ground above them, and the great Southern Ocean below. At one spot there were white tendrils of fog flowing in slow motion down the low points in the sloping ground and spilling over the cliffs into the sea.
The fog did burn off quickly to reveal a sparkling blue morning. When I got glimpses of the water off the cliffs in the Bight, there was a sizeable glassy swell rolling in. |
The last time I visited Nullarbor Roadhouse it was with Lizzie in a Cessna a bit like this one, only faster (a Cessna 182RG). |
A few kms past Nullarbor Roadhouse is a turn off the Eyre Highway to the Head of the Bight. For many years Southern Right Whales have used the waters close to the cliffs here during the winter months as a nursery.
You really had to be there. There was no room on the bike for a telephoto lens unfortunately.
Remarkably, near the cliff-tops where these photos were taken is an official little hut which is the only access to the track to see the whales, inside which adults get charged $12. I inquired politely before paying as to the exact nature of the value added to the whale watching experience by such payment. I was told that it funded the hut. I suggested that the hut added very little if anything to the experience of looking out to sea at whales. Then I remembered that I am a peaceful person and not a troublemaker, and bade him good day and moved on smiling and whistling (alternating of course, as I can’t do both at once) to my hut-enhanced whale-watching experience.
At Penong on the west coast of South Australia, they tap the water in the artesian basin with great gusto. |
This is one of the runways at Ceduna Airport. |
The groundsman at the airport back in the late 1970s was a young fellow with a family, who used to get overtime if he had to put out the kero flares for a night landing. So on my fortnightly flying trip to Yalata (west of Ceduna) I would defer my departure from Yalata to dusk to ensure a night landing at Ceduna, which kept me current at night flying, and the groundsman with a bit of overtime pay. He generally gave me a lift into town to my motel after he had collected the flares and stacked them away.
On one occasion I landed here with two student pilots in a C172 and the wind was blowing 40 knots right up the strip in the photo above. There was a flight service unit at the airport, and they informed us by radio that 40 knots was the steady wind strength – no gusts, just 40 knots. The sky was blue.
We landed and stopped short of the first taxiway to the right in the above photo (just before the three white cone markers on the edge of the strip), and were faced with the dilemma of taxying with a 40 kt side wind. An aircraft on the ground in such a situation gets much more lift from the wing into wind than from the partially shielded wing on the downwind side of the aircraft. Net result, the aircraft wants to flip. My two student pilots were rather large lads off the land, and they exited the aircraft while it was still pointing into wind. One got hold of the wing tip, and the other leant his considerable mass over the left wing strut. I then taxied at less than normal walking pace to the square of bitumen outside the flight service office, and parked into wind. That square was no more than 30 or 40 paces wide.
For departure, I deemed the crosswind taxying option more hazardous than taking off directly into wind straight across the bit of tarmac outside the flight safety office which was for parking only. So the three of us climbed aboard. The airspeed indicator was showing 40 knots before I had started the engine. I fired up the engine, applied full power and we were airborne before the edge of the tarmac. I never heard any more about that takeoff.
Streaky Bay. Delightfully peaceful. As the wind died late this afternoon, the cloud cover moved to the east allowing the setting sun to put on yet another show.
This photo was taken half a dozen paces from the front of my unit. |
As the tide receded, I walked out into the bay with the pelicans. |
My favourite feathered aviators and I were standing in two inches of water for these photos.
The seagull in this final photo had a most curious technique for locating food in the wet sand. He would literally run up and down on the spot, his webbed feet making a clicking sound as he pounded them up and down on the wet sand. He would then stop and pick up whatever food it was that was that unwisely popped its head out of the sand to see what was going on.
Sunset in Streaky Bay, South Australia, on Saturday 28 August 2010. |
A feeling of contentment is unavoidable in this place at this time.
Fantastic photos, John! I liked the account of your landing and take-off from Ceduna.
I recently did a touch and go off the Avalon RWY 36 VOR approach. While the landing was fine, your offer of a crosswind technique refresher came to mind as I removed the hood on final, the ATIS having declared crosswind up to 20kts.
I am looking forward to a detailed account when you return, however if you weren't a week ahead of schedule we could have arranged a meeting at Parafield. That is the destination for next weekend's overnight flying expedition.
In other news, our coffee machine produced it's 10,000th cup this morning. Looking forward to a coffee with you upon your return.
Yes, we do know who we are and you certainly caused a sensation ruminating with ruminants. Now it's roos.... Are you sure you made that up? It's exactly what I would have said if I were that kangaroo - and you were so convincing last time.
Enough said about you and non-English speaking fauna.
It seems almost no time at all since you set out on this vaguely disturbing exercise and now it's almost over. We'll miss the blog at our place. It's been transfixing reading. You wouldn't consider going around again for the sake of your reading public, would you?
Maybe Liz ought to answer that...
See you soon
I think the pelican photos could be my favourites. What wonderful light! Are you sure you didn't have photographic assistants standing by with lights and reflectors?? Give my regards to Port Lincoln and looking forward to next Friday in Apollo Bay. All my love, FW.
Hi John, Mark H sent your blog address to me and I have been taking great pleasure in your photos and commentary while lying flat on my back. Even though I've only started with the most recent entries, I'm working my backwards. What a fabulous time you have had and fantastic food for the soul. Thanks, Althea
Hello to our intrepid bikie friend living the dream "toy" run around aussie land. ie The dream most aussies never get around to doing & the "toy" being, well of course on his excitement BMW machine. Alas no mention of playing 18 holes on the worlds longest golf course across the Nullabor.!!! Oh well, next year perhaps. Thanks for your very talented & exciting writings, well done indeed. Hope you are not taking the "shortcut" & the ferry across from Cowell. Talking about shortcuts, maybe you could have taken that right hand lane after all, as the BMW is sure to travel just as fast in reverse!!!!. Have an enjoyable last leg home. Pick up a lobster or 2. When you arrive home, get cracking on the swimming training for the 8kms relay next year from "Maggie" to Townsville.
From your "tanned nomad friends" (presently in Noosa & hanging out with the beautiful people, & tax avoiders, or is that tax minimisers!!!!!!)
ps have to go now & throw a shrimp on the barbie.
Hi John,
I detect a slight sadness in your tone, now that you are done with all the left turns. I can understand that. But what a wonderful trip you are having and what a great way to re-charge your batteries. Just think, next time you can insist on not taking any left turns, only right ones and see where that road takes you. I hope that Adam A has read of your non standard departure. I will keep watching this space for developments. I share with your other correspondents, the pleasure of having followed you, aided by your picturesque and inspiring commentaries.
Cheers, Brian.
Hi. Its not surprising to me that I have been commenting in the wrong comments bit. Today I went to the very end of the blog accidentally, so go there first if you can be bothered following my frustrating first attempts at getting in touch finally.
But back to the moment... re your last left hand turn.... being a leftie myself, I quite like the sense of going that way round... but like some other commentators, I am finding the concept of the finality of your last turn in what has clearly been a fabulous trip a bit sad! Also sad that I wont be able to log on and follow your new cow fetish or enjoy your LOL turns of phrase or see those great pics of our glorious outback. Clearly living your trip from my lounge room is a good prompt for us to get out there again soon! But looking forward to catching up with you when you get back. Cheers darl!
Mr John Langmead
Quality Donga Reviewer
Thankyou for your first quality assurance report for our around Australia quality accommodation chain, "Donga & Western". We note there are some exceptional differences commented on in your report, as compared to your published comments on the internet blog R1200GS Around Australia. On the one hand you report all is well & the other suggests major improvements are required. Now on reading your detailed report, it seems that it is just another high priced whitewash, that you could only expect from a "dubious" legal type person. Someone who is having 2 bob each way plus costs on top!!! However some of your comments do have some merit. We particularly like your idea of a new rating star system. i.e. Starting at minus 5 down to minus 1. Also the issue of gum boots for the showers or optional waders, disposable gloves & the ultimate kit, full asbestos protective gown, with a replacement hair piece for the "bigwigs". Another great idea was the door markings in the donga toilet complex, based on your chambers (pot) at home. Door 1 being marked "brief", door 2 "executive branch action",3 "Judicature Acts", 4 "feudal system", 5 "jurisprudence ", 6 "breach of the peace" & door 7 "Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali" was particulary appealing!!! Your last recommendation was quite exceptional.i.e. A BMW motor bike wash bay, we hadn't realised there was such a demand. Finally we would request the return of that toilet paper roll from our Victoria River Donga.(that you are writing the report on). As you would be well aware the Tax office taxes our company on the basis of "used sheets". As a result of your "oversight" we are now being treated as a high wealth "Wickenby" tax case. By any chance do you know a good lawyer???? Thankyou from Management
Hi John,
Having been at work 20 of 24 hours a day recently I have not had the pleasure of ready your blogs. However, a well earned 4 days off allows time for other things. Reading inclusive (I too am as shocked as you). I have a stiff neck. This is from ready your last 4 blogs lying sideways reading from the laptop (only just now I realised I could have placed the laptop on its side also). As always fantastic photos. It appears you and Liz had a great time. Not long to reunite now.
Still suffering from mild short term memory loss I cannot remember a great deal of what I have just read. However I do know I did thoroughly enjoy it whilst I was reading. The photo commentary is always a winner. One thing that stuck in my memory (also I see it to the left of this comment box) is the title of your latest blog “The Last Left Turn' I hope this refers to major turns. I think no matter how new your GPS is it may very well struggle to get you back to A Bay by Friday if only turning right (or wrong). Zoolander much?
Having read and learnt a few things from your blog, I feel I should finish up by passing on some knowledge in appreciation. I hope this learns you proper
Quote: "ghost gums (as I shall call them, being unburdened by any knowledge whatsoever as to their actual name"
These Gum trees have a couple of names, 2 of the names being Wawnt and Wandoo. ... The tree looks like the powder bark tree but the bark on the white gum tree is not powdery. ...
Safe ride on the home stretch John
I will see you in A Bay
Hmmmm - as for the letter from the management of Donga and Western, full confessions have been forthcoming and charges are being prepared. But while the matter was still being investigated I did detect the fingerprints of an accountant or possibly two of them on this document. It turned out to be so. Tanned nomads of Noosa (formerly of Townsville) - get back south and get a job. Just stop swanning and swimming about the tropics and so blatantly having a good time.
Hi John.
Just managed to catch up with this segment of your sojourn around Australia.
Well done......your descriptions are superb!!! No wonder you do well at the bar eh!!!!
Your photo's make us homesick for a land of stark contrast and immense beauty.
Lets hope it stays that way for generations to come and isnt spoilt by do-gooders....which reminds us that your description of the nanny state signs popping up in Victoria are what I am referring to!!!
Your next trip is being arranged....to Italy and Switzerland ....with Liz... John!!!!
Whilst the scenery we experienced over the last two weeks in the European Alps was spectacular to stunning, it sometimes struggles to match that that you have so well depicted in your journals.
There is definately something unique about the stark beauty of the bush, the coastline and the skies of Australia that makes its so special. SO SPECIAL
Thanks again for sharing it with us John. You have certainly motivated Linda and me to undertake such a trip in the future....on a BMW!!!
Dont forget we have a ride to do in the next few years when we get back from the Middle East...up in the Snowy Mountains region.
All the best John.....bet you cant resist the ocassional odd dream of the bush whilst wrestling with those unpredictable and dangerous creatures in the box!!!!
P/S Loved your tale about the unusual departure at Ceduna!!!!
You guys are cool!!!
Tumby Bay
Tumby Bay Property
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